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Marketforms Users: Please update your passwords

At Marketforms, we take data security very seriously. We are always monitoring for potential security threats, including alerts and notifications from security vulnerabilities.

April 7, 2014 the OpenSSL Project released an update to address the CVE-2014-0160 vulnerability, nicknamed “Heartbleed.” This serious vulnerability affects a substantial number of applications and services running on the internet, including Marketforms. All Marketforms users should update their passwords as a precautionary measure.

As of Tuesday, April 8 at 15:55 UTC, within one day of public disclosure, all Marketforms certificates and infrastructure have been updated and are no longer vulnerable. This means going forward Marketforms is safe.

Reset Your Marketforms Password
We encourage all Marketforms users to update their Marketforms account passwords. We do not have any evidence that passwords have been compromised, but given the amount of time that this vulnerability was in existence the safest thing to do for your account is to rotate your Marketforms credentials. You can reset your Marketforms password here.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Thank you for trusting us with your data.

The Marketforms Customer Support Team

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