XBRL Analysis Platform

Our XBRL Analysis Platform is a Financial Data solution that combines databases of financial reports, an Excel Add-In for accessing the data in Excel and a cloud based client iXBRLAnalyst for accessing the data in Internet browsers.
XBRL Analysis provides powerful tools for analyzing and benchmarking XBRL reports filed to SEC. Corporate Version is ideal for Filers and XBRL specialists, because it renders full in-depth view into technical aspects of XBRL reports within Excel (review draft XBRL filings, export full XBRL report in Excel, search XBRL tags, detect missing/inconsistent Calculation Relationships, view XBRL Dimensions, etc).
Our users enjoy the following benefits of accessing their financial data within our XBRL Analysis platform:
- Built-in reports for benchmarking the usage of XBRL tags in reports of any company filing to SEC. The user can easily load in Excel hundreds of data points from our databases holding ALL XBRL reports submitted to SEC.
- New powerful Excel built-in functions for automatically loading XBRL data including dimensional data. The functions allow users to build Quality Assurance templates for monitoring the data quality of the filings and detecting typical errors such as sign and scale errors.
- Ability to review Calculation Relationships from any Statement or Disclosure directly in Excel. XBRLAnalyst also provides indication of errors that companies sometimes make in Calculation Relationships in their reports
- Search XBRL tags throughout any report directly in Excel. The tools permit finding and reviewing all occurrences of any XBRL tag in all the components of an XBRL report.
- View dimensions hierarchy and member values with the powerful Dimensions Viewer. Export the values or Pie chart graphs into Excel with a single click.