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XBRL and EDGAR© Document Collaboration

XBRL and EDGAR© Document Collaboration is a cloud based platform that facilitates collaboration in creation of documents in XBRL and other formats.

With XBRL and EDGAR© Document Collaboration, you have the ability to define sections within a document enables multiple users (within and outside an organization) to work on, review, and finalize different sections of one document at the same time. Our solution also enables submission of both XBRL and EDGAR© HTML output with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Users of Carbon Document Collaboration enjoy the following benefits:

  • Single Source: Generates output in HTML and XBRL for EDGAR© submissions from a single document
  • Collaboration: Allows multiple users to work on the same document at the same time
  • Track and Review: Creates an easy view of all comments and reviews through the finalization of the document
  • No Pencils Down: Allows clients to make last minute changes
  • Roll Forward: Get your documents ready for next period filings by rolling forward the previous filing with just one click.
  • Rich Data Linking: Change the value in one place, have it updated automatically wherever else it may appear in your document
  • Assisted Services: Leverage our team of experts to support your filing process.
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