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Draft EDGAR© filing manual updated (Version 14)
The SEC© recently made changes to the Draft EDGAR© Filing Manual(Version 14) to update the filer manual to reflect changes scheduled to take effect on April 12, 2010.
Some of the changes include:
- Submission form type 13F-HR/A will be suspended for any period end date where the filer has not submitted a 13F-HR initial filing for that period end date.
- Submission form type 13F-NT/A will be suspended for any period end date where the filer has not submitted a 13F-NT initial filing for that period end date.
- The EDGAR© Interactive Data/XBRL validations will be extended to all EX-101 attachments regardless of the taxonomy used.
- The 2008 Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy will be updated to the 2010 Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy.
- Filings containing EX-101.INS XBRL document will undergo the following additional validations:
- No more than one EX-101.INS XBRL document should be attached in a submission.
- EX-101.INS XBRL documents should not contain non-empty facts for DocumentFiscalYearFocus and DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus in the required context, for the EDGAR© form types specified in Section 6.5.21.
- EX-101.INS XBRL documents should not contain HTML attributes “cite” “char” and “charoff” in the text blocks and footnotes.
- Form D validation and processing will be updated to allow filers to indicate if they have solicited sales in foreign countries and to disseminate state and country description in addition to the state and country code.
- The EDGARLite templates for Forms TA-1 and TA-2 are being updated to change the OMB expiration date to be “April 30, 2012” and “June 30, 2012” respectively.
The filer manual is also being revised to address minor changes previously made in EDGAR. On February 8, 2010, EDGAR© Release 10.0 introduced the following changes:
- Submission form types 10KSB and 10KSB/A were removed from the EDGARLink Template 3.
- An effective date of February 28, 2010 was set for the use of 8-K Item 5.07 (Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders) on submission form types 8-K, 8-K/A, 8-K12B, 8-K12B/A, 8-K12G3, 8-K12G3/A, 8-K15D5, and 8-K15D5/A (See Release No. 33-9089).
Download the DRAFT EDGAR© Filing Manual (Volume II) EDGAR© Filing (Version 14)