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How to apply for SEC© EDGAR© Filer Codes

A new SEC© EDGAR© Filer (Registrant) must complete a Form ID Application online with the SEC. The EDGAR© Filer Management website will allow you to create a Form ID and submit it for authorization to the SEC.

Upon acceptance, the SEC© will send a unique CIK number via e-mail. You then must return to the Filer Management site and use the supplied CIK number and the passphrase you created during the initial application to create your EDGAR© access codes. Once you have your access codes, you may use EDGAR© to begin electronically filing.

The EDGAR© system is available to receive Form ID requests from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time on business days.

In order to request EDGAR© codes you will need to have the following information:


  • Individual or Company name, address and telephone number. NOTE: Individual Names may not contain any punctuation. All names must be in English.
  • EDGAR© contact person information name, address, telephone number and email address (this is the person who will receive any test or live filings acceptance confirmation emails and the filer’s contact for any EDGAR© problems that could arise).
  • SEC© accounting contact person information name, address and telephone number (this is the person who will be responsible for any billing or fees for the filer that the SEC© would need to contact).
  • The signature information will require the name and title of the individual who has authority for the filer.
  • A passphrase which is an eight-character, case sensitive code that requires the use of one numeric character and at least one special character (*, #, @, $) – it is created by the person making the application . It is important to write the passphrase down, if this code is misplaced it can not be retrieved and another electronic application will required. 

Creating EDGAR© profile and codes (Form ID Application):

Visit and click on “Press Here to Begin”. Click on “Apply for EDGAR© Access (New)” and begin by completing the information as requested on the online form. You will need to choose one of the following from the drop down menu at the beginning of the application form page – “Filer”, “Filing Agent”, “Training Agent” or “Transfer Agent”. Most companies and individuals are applying for filer codes so they may submit filings to the SEC© and should choose “Filer”. Complete the information fields and confirm all your information before you click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page. The name of the applicant is subject to conformance according to EDGAR© specifications. As a result, the name that you enter may be conformed by EDGAR. If this occurs, you will be shown an alert when the “Form ID Application Confirmation” screen is initially presented (after pressing the “Continue >>” button). For your review, your “conformed” applicant name will be displayed in the “Conformed Name of Applicant” field on the “Form ID Application Confirmation” screen.

The next step is to print the Form ID Application and have it notarized. The notarized document them must be faxed to the Filer Support department of the SEC© at 202-504-2474 or 703-914-4240 in order to finalize the application. In general, if the notarized Form ID is not received by the SEC© via fax within 2-3 business days they will suspend the application. In the event your application is suspended, you will have to reapply for Filer Codes again by using the EDGAR© Filer Management. 

If you require assistance with a Form ID application process or prefer to have us do it for you, please contact our EDGAR© Filing Service Bureau at 877-732-3453 option 1.

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