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SEC© touts inflated numbers to look way tougher than it is

Publisher: The Intercept
Author: David Dayen

Faced with unrelenting criticism from financial reform groups for failing to enforce the securities laws, SEC© Chair Mary Jo White has defended herself with numbers.

Regarding the SEC© enforcement numbers, the Securities and Exchange Commission recorded 755 different enforcement actions yielding $4.1 billion in monetary penalties in 2014, she boasted in a speech this February — “the highest number of cases in the history of the Commission.”

But the numbers she cited were “deeply flawed,” according to a study that will soon be published in the Cornell Law Review. The commission’s methodology allows for double – and even triple-counting some offenders — along with counting fines ordered by other agencies, and penalties that are never collected.

If you weed out the systematic over-counting and artificial boosts, the SEC’s enforcement numbers have not significantly changed since 2002, despite the multitude of lawbreaking that led to the 2008 financial crisis, according to the study.

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